A couple of unrelated things from the last few days for those that may want to mix it up a bit.
First, we decided to get my oldest, who started 7th grade this year, his own phone. Since I always keep my most recently upgraded phone just in case, he was going to get that hand-me-down iPhone 4. After two years of use as my primary phone and then another two years as his iPod, it was showing a little wear and tear. Namely, the home button didn't like to work unless you mashed the heck out of it. After some research and a visit to
iFixIt.com, I purchased a
new home button and the tools they recommended to replace it. Of note, this was a Verizon CDMA phone vice an AT&T GSM phone. I guess they are different besides just the SIM card in case you take on this type of adventure.
While the website says the repair is difficult, I didn't have too much problem. The instructions were not perfect, but they were definitely good enough to get me through and the pictures helped. Unfortunately, I pinched and tore one of the ribbon cables for the display so a $10 job (not included tools) turned into a $40 job, which I was able to complete successfully. I know the phones are generations old now, but I was surprised at how cheap the parts were. Makes me wonder how much Apple is really making off of each of us, though that explains why they have enough cash reserves to fill
93 (yes, 93) Olympic swimming pools.
I did have to wear my glasses and needed some extra light. Don't think I've ever dealt with screws that small before, but the magnetic tools made them easy to handle.
About half-way torn apart. Plastic tray was essential in helping me organize each step of the tear down. |
Almost completely torn apart. New home button in (display not damaged yet). |
I finished fixing it last night and the boy was happy to get it back.
Second, I needed to do some drywall repair in the bathroom that I am STILL redoing. We finally got all the ordered items (long, frustrating story) after some backorders and bad manufacturing, so it was time to finally mount the wall light and repair the holes the original home builders left when putting in the "contractor's special" wall light. First thing was to cut some new drywall (I bought a
2'x2' patch piece at Lowe's when we first moved in and have been slowly using it) for the patches. I cut these about 1/2" larger on all sides than the size of the holes. I scored a 1/2" on each side and then broke the drywall away, leaving the paper to act as ears to cover the edges.
The small piece, cut to size and scored, leaving "white" paper side. |
I then traced the drywall of my patch pieces on the wall and then cut them square, trimming as necessary so the patch pieces would fit totally inside the cutouts.
Patch-panels cut. |
After that, I put a thin layer of joint compound on the paper so that it would act as an adhesive to the wall.
Joint compound. I used even less than this and still some squeezed out as I flattened it to the wall. |
Patches inserted into wall. |
Once the patches were in, I taped the edges with regular paper joint tape (none of that mesh stuff) and covered it all in more joint compound.
Patches in and covered. |
I came back about 7 hours later and sanded it down and that's when it all fell apart. The joint compound paper immediately started to delaminate from the wall and the bumps and ridges were horrible. I probably should have waited it for it to dry more, but once the damage started, it went quick. So, in a fit of frustration (I've been dealing with this bathroom for over six weeks and I'M WAY DONE), I tore the joint paper off and the patch paper. The patches stayed in the wall, however. Once I did that, I filled the incontinuities with regular spackle and that's where it sits. I'll sand it tomorrow morning, put another layer of spackle, and sand it one more time. Paint and then finally mount the medicine cabinet hopefully late tomorrow night. At least these holes will mostly be obscured or even covered by the cabinet so you won't see my horrible job!
Same holes, except with just spackle. Looks better and much more level. Spackle won't be as durable, but up there, I don't care. |
We also got the second backsplash in since the first one was not completely sealed (it's granite). That went in easily and really completes the sink in it's look.
Backsplash in. I used clear-drying caulk adhesive to put it in. The medicine cabinet will go in the big blank spot. |
As for the Spitfire, I did some more odds and ends today after the drywall fiasco and before the kid's soccer games. I finished putting the rubber grommets over the inside portion of the speedometer and tachometer cables (has anyone ever put one of these things in without tearing the crap out of it?!), reconnected the heat air hoses that go to the top of the dashboard and put the instrument cluster in, wires and all (except the ignition switch). After the ignition switch gets wired up, I only have to put some water in the radiator and she'll be ready to run again...at least in theory!
Refurbished dash. A shame the rest of the interior looks like...well, you know. Oh, and those screws are temporary. Black or chrome? |
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